Life Skills Training

Specific classes may be required in addition to the general life skills classes, depending on your circumstances and stage of life. New Life Transitional Program attempts to customize curriculum for each participant.

Pregnant women

Pregnancy classes are required in addition to the other life skill classes. The pregnancy curriculum educates the participant on fetal development and the importance of prenatal health, while preparing her for the responsibilities of motherhood.


Parenting classes are required in addition to the other life skill classes. The parenting classes focus on common areas of parental concern including: communication, safety, health, discipline and preparing children to learn.

Married couples

Marriage/relationship courses are offered to married couples or other participants in the program that are interested in learning about the Biblical perspective of marriage. These classes also help to develop relationship and communication skills.

Substance abuse

Participants that come into the program with a drug and/or alcohol history must attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting every week. These meetings are similar to AA meetings, but have a Christian focus. There are several churches and organizations throughout Tucson that host these meetings. It is up to the participant to choose which group they want to attend, however weekly attendance is required in order to participate in the program.

Complete an application if you are interested in becoming a part of the New Life Transitional Program.