A few years ago, Juliet walked through the doors of New Life Pregnancy Center (NLPC) to receive material assistance. After months of regular visits to the center and building a relationship with the center director, Desi, she learned about ABCS’ New Life Transitional Program. Desi is also the transitional program’s director. The purpose of the New Life Transitional Program is to cultivate life skills through education, resources and training for individuals committed to improving their lives and achieving stable, independent living. Juliet applied and enrolled in the program
in November of 2019.
One of the goals of the transitional program is to guide participants from hardship to hope by sharing the love of Jesus. Juliet’s past is one of great hardship. During her early adult years, she escaped an abusive relationship that forced her to start over in a new place on her own. As she began to rebuild her life, she met her partner and they had a daughter together. When Juliet became a participant of the transitional program, she was in the beginning stages of healing from the trauma of her past. Her goals when she started were to better understand herself and where she stood with God as well as setting goals for her future.
God provided a solid foundation for Juliet to flourish in the transitional program. One way He did this was through the relationship she had with her program mentor. It created a safe place for her to process and grieve. As Juliet made her way through the program it was clear she was dedicated to growing. In group discussions and meetings with Desi, her answers to homework were deep and profound. Juliet also discovered a new way to express herself through visual journaling by creating collages. Her collages were beautiful! At the same time she was excelling in the transitional program, she was participating in another program in the community also focused on achieving a stable, healthy and independent life. Juliet was putting in the work to create a brighter future for both herself and her daughter.
In February, Juliet graduated from the transitional program. She shared that the most valuable thing she received from this experience was confidence in herself and a better relationship with God in her life. After graduation Juliet’s desire to grow remained. She completed Celebrate Recovery which is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program where people can find community and freedom. Juliet is using the confidence she gained in the transitional program to help facilitate classes for both New Life Pregnancy Center and the New Life Transitional Program. She also teaches a course for the other community program she completed. All of these leadership opportunities are allowing her to fulfill her goal of mentoring women who have experienced abuse. It is a blessing to see the healing the Lord has provided for Juliet and how she is helping other women experience that healing too. Please join us in praying for God to continue to equip and empower Juliet to know Him more and walk in her calling!